Picking Up Orders: Now 100% More Fun And Convenient!

For all my local customers in greater Victoria, BC, I have very good news today. After a year of handing over orders at street corners and coffee shops (“psst!”), I can now offer you a familiar central and convenient pick-up location again.

Susanne Osmond and I are taking our collaboration to the next level. Starting in January 2025, your online orders will be available for pickup during business hours at her fabulous Vic West shop, Gardener’s Kit, located at 169 Langford Street, just up from the Bay Street bridge. Easy parking at the bottom of the lot, right in front of the loading dock.

Maybe you already know the place… if not, you’re in for a treat! And yes — that’s just around the corner from where my shop used to be. Isn’t that great? We are super excited… This is truly a win-win arrangement and I look very much forward to our first season together.

Beginning January 6, “Kit” hours are Monday to Friday 12-5 pm, and Saturdays 12-4 pm (closed Sundays, statutory holidays, and long weekends). I will be on-site part-time, so there is a good chance you’ll catch me. But even if I’m not around, sensational Susanne, brilliant Bronwyn, or outstanding Oliver will be happy to assist.

Ideally, please allow one business day for order processing. If you need something the same day, or you’d like to meet and chat, give me a quick call or send a text before coming over (250-216-3733) and I will try my best to be ready for you.

A selection of Pantry products is also available in-store if you just happen to drop by, in which case you’d pay through the Gardener’s Kit, which earns a commission. But because space is limited, they can’t offer every item or every size. So if you want to be sure to get exactly what you want, the best way is still to place your order online ahead of time at gardenerspantry.ca.

Last but not least: Susanne has been holding great workshops at her store, including a very popular one on garden tool cleaning and sharpening. This coming season we will also start offering workshops on cool topics such as how to garden organically, how to make compost tea and activated EM, and more… I’ll keep you posted. Hey, let me know what else you might like to learn!

Thanks as always for your support. All the very best for 2025. Peace!

Shop The Pantry for Local Pick-Up

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